God Made Day & Night

God Made Night and DayTitle: God Made Night & Day
Author: Hannah C. Hall
Illustrators: Greg Hardin & Kenny Yamada
Publisher: JellyTelly Press
ISBN: 978-1-5460-1200-9

“Join brothers Clive and Ian on a camping trip where they learn that God made night and day, the moon and the sun, and all of the sparkly stars!” the back cover states in Hannah C. Hall’s children’s book, God Made Night & Day.

~ What ~
Part of a series, this twenty-four-page board book with rounded edges targets children ages three months to three years old who enjoy stories about God and His creations. With characters created by Phil Vischer, it has conversations of Clive and Ian as well as a Parent Connection section at the end of the book with four suggested interactive ideas and a link to http://www.jellytelly.com.

In this short tale, brothers Clive and Ian go camping where one is counting the stars and the other is roasting marshmallows. When Ian finishes cooking his treat, he calls for Clive to come but eats it instead. Clive remarks how beautiful the stars are as they glitter in the sky, and Ian asks who made them and the sun. Smart Clive answers that God spoke and light appeared, making day and night. Ian thanks God for creating them as well as the marshmallows.

~ Why ~
This is a charming story that has a silly aspect of Ian replying with quirky comments, endearing to the reader to him while Clive is the wise, intelligent one who knows a lot. I like the simplistic illustrations that will engage younger ones. I appreciate the story includes how God instantly created the sun, moon, and stars and that they did not evolve over time.

~ Why Not ~
Those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ may not see the value of this series. Young ones may not understand or read some of the complicated three and four-syllable words so it may be best read out loud. I could not find any highlighted words mentioned in the Parent Connection section.

~ Wish ~
I am confused on what age group this book is for because although it is a board book with rounded corners that would normally be appropriate for those under the preschool age (which Barnes and Noble targets), it has complicated wording that preschoolers to early elementary school would understand more readily (Amazon states it is for ages five to six years old).

~ Want ~
If you are looking for a children’s book with fun characters and a childish appearance for those younger than preschool age, this would be a good series to collect if you read them out loud.

Thanks to Hatchett Books for this complimentary book that I am under no obligation to review.

This book can be purchased at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/god-made-night-and-day-hannah-c-hall/1128621195

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Filed under **** Good - Will Be Glad to Pass On to Others, Childrens, Christian

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