About This Blog

This blog is not about me but about the books and products I read, test, evaluate, and review online. As a reviewer, I try to be positive, constructive, and truthful without sugar-coating or patronizing, keeping in mind the writer, publicist, publisher, company, or website sends me the book or product to read or evaluate freely, without being required to write a review.

Reviewing is subjective, so bear in mind these are my opinions – yours may be totally different. What I like about a book or product, you may hate and visa versa. Sometimes it is hard to do a review when the book has a plethora of typographical, grammatical, or punctuation errors that could and should have been corrected before publication. I no longer review e-books.

Hopefully, these blogs will help other readers or consumers when picking a book to read or a product to buy. Enjoy!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I receive books and products free or at a discounted or am reimbursed for it. I am not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

24 responses to “About This Blog

  1. I am so excited for you to take this step Conny. You are such a fabulous reviewer, your reviews deserve a place to call home. I am afraid to write anything else as this sentence scares me….

    Sometimes it is hard when the book has a plethora of typographical, grammatical or punctuational errors that could and should have been corrected before publication.

    All of the above are not included in my plethora of strong points. 🙂
    Blessings to you Conny and all that you share!

    • Thanks, Noelle ~ you would be very surprised with some of the stuff I read but I won’t hold you accountable for any of your errors (in writing or anything else!). Enjoy the reads!

  2. Hi Conny,

    I saw your comment on LinkedIn. I’m the owner of Write Now Lit Virtual Book Tours. My genre includes Christian, children and authors of clean books. Would you be interested in hosting some of my authors. Take a peak at my website: http://wnlbooktours.com/

    My email info@pauletteharper.com

    • Hi Paulette – I do not host authors but review their works in lieu of receiving books free (no e-books). If you offer free books, please email me a list and let’s see if I am interested in reviewing any of them. Thanks, Conny

  3. Hi Conny,
    Thank you for your kind review of my book, The Hummingbird That Answered My Heart’s Calling. I hope Artemis and Baby put you in touch with your inner hummingbird! 🙂

    Noelle Meade-Izzi

  4. Hi Conny
    I am a newbie to writing. I noticed that you have read Joel Rosenberg’s latest, and as my book deals with very similar subjects, I hope you might take the time, and review it. I will be glad to send you the book for free.
    It is on Amazon, and it is called “The Curse of God’s Treasure”.
    I thank you very much.
    Jay Glikman

  5. peter

    Hi Conny,

    Do you take requests to review books? Passion & Purpose: Believing the Church Can Still Change the World is up and we would love to have you review the book!

    • I would love to but at this time I have over 20 books en route to read and review – way too many currently. Sorry, the book sounds interesting. Maybe in a few months.

  6. Oops! I didn’t realise that leaving the link would put such a huge ad-looking image of my book cover on your site. You can delete it if you want.

    • Jennie,

      Thanks for reaching out to me but the topic (France) does not perk my interest at this time. With many books to read and little time, I have to be selective. Thanks for asking and God bless!

  7. The Voting is LIVE on Book Fun!
    Vote for July 2014 BLOGGER of the month
    On http://www.bookfun.org
    The Nominees are:
    “Let’s Talk” by Mary Vee at http://www.maryvee.com
    The Power of Words, http://booksmusicandlife.blogspot.com/2014/06/review-season-of-change.html
    “Beyond Buggies and Bonnets ” http://www.brendanixononamish.blogspot.com/
    Connywithay at https://connywithay.wordpress.com/

  8. Connie, I am trying to post reviews online and I’m not sure how to do this. I have tried at TCBN before and was told I was in the wrong place. How do I do that and how do I take my review with me to other sites? Please help a newbie. Thanks.

    • If your initials are CB, I posted an email to you thru TBCN. You may have posted under the Group CLUB FOR READERS instead of REVIEWS OF READERS. If you have a blog, you post your review there & have to post individually everywhere else. Hope that helps ~ email me privately if you need to connywithay@gmail.com.

  9. Thank you Conny for recommending my blog. I really enjoy your blog and talking with you through emails. So I just now came up with something just for you…

    Conny, I am glad we met, you seem so nice
    I made an apple pie and I saved you a slice.
    There is someone else she goes by Heartfiction
    She is my older sister I forgot to mention
    I know I said older She might say ” Now don’t you start…”
    but I love her bunches and we will never part.
    I love to read your thoughts in your reviews
    You show such depth , not simple like cow go moos….
    This is getting stupid things are rolling from my tongue
    I can hear in my mind this is bad like elephant dung
    I need to stop this silly rhyme
    I will talk to you soon another time :}

  10. Kimberly

    Could we talk?
    Email me

  11. Hi Conny!

    I saw your post on Goodreads (and Carole’s recommendation – Carole was one of my first reviewers and is now a friend) and love how you organize your book reviews! I’m hoping you might be interested in reviewing my children’s book, Brandon Makes Jiǎo Zi (餃子), which has a little Mandarin Chinese in the story. If you’re interested, please email me with your address and I will gladly send you a paperback copy of my book: chueugenia@yahoo.com.

    The story is about a little boy named Brandon who gets a surprise visit from his grandma from China, Pó Po (婆婆). While Brandon and Pó Po (婆婆) are making Chinese dumplings, called jiǎo zi (餃子), Brandon makes a mess and he and Pó Po (婆婆) have a good laugh! They chat and bond over the experience. Then Brandon eats and eats and eats and makes a surprise at the end that delights the whole family! This story includes some conversational Mandarin Chinese (including Pinyin – pronunciation).

    You can see more about this book (and me) on my website at eugeniachu.com or my Amazon page at amazon.com/author/eugeniachu.

    I would love to send you a copy of my book if you’re interested. My email is chueugenia@yahoo.com.


  12. Hi Conny,

    so glad I found you on Goodreads. You reviewed Carole’s kids joke book and we would love to send you a copy of our joke book as well. I’m Jenn, a teacher, mom and business partner with my 7 year old daughter Chloe aka Wolf Cub Chlo.

    Chlo was tired of seeing people sick, sad and bored. She knew she couldn’t stop people from being sick but wanted to find a way to use her brain to stop them from being sad. That she did when she created the book “Once ‘ a pun’ a Time – a guide to reading and telling jokes for kids.” Its a shorter book for younger kids to keep their attention span while sparking creativity with colorful images on every page and learning the “secret joke formula”- which teaches kids how to create their own jokes. If you are interested please email me at Jenn@wolfcubchlo.com and I’ll gladly send you a physical copy.

    You can find more about us at http://www.wolfcubchlo.com and Instagram: @wolfcubchlo_fans

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

    Warm regards,

    Jenn & Chlo

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