Toward the Dawn by Mary Connealy

Title: Toward the Dawn
Author: Mary Connealy
Publisher: Bethany House
ISBN: 978-0-7642-4266-3

“Wouldn’t stepping into a marriage in such a reckless way be yet another sort of prison,” Kat ponders in Mary Connealy’s novel, Toward the Dawn.

~ What ~
The second book in A Western Light series, this 268-page paperback targets those interested in a historical romance about a young couple who marry for convenience as they search for answers to their past. With no profanity, topics involving theft, physical abuse, attempted murder, and death may not be appropriate for immature readers. The ending includes a teaser of the next book in the series, the author’s biography, and advertisements.

Set in 1870 in the Wild West, the continuation of this series involves Kat, who has escaped an asylum and travels with friends to Idaho to get away from her ruthless uncle-in-law, and Sebastian, an inventor who knows someone is after him and his ideas. When the two decide to marry for convenience and face the unknown, they must work together to resolve their pasts to find a future of love and true companionship.

~ Why ~
This story shows how the wildness of the West cannot be tamed just as greed and control can take over the human heart if unchecked. Kat and Seb’s relationship seemed realistic and well-written, considering they knew little about each other as they lived together hidden in the canyon. I liked the explanation of Seb’s obsession with inventions, Kat’s willingness to learn how to survive, and the expansion of train travel during the era.

~ Why Not ~
Those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ may not like this story that focuses on trusting in God and others to overcome adversity. Having not read the first book in the series, I had trouble understanding what had transpired regarding other characters in the book and how they arrived at Hidden Canyon. I found some of the tale repetitive.

~ Wish ~
Since this is a series and it appears there are the same characters throughout both books, it may be helpful to add a list of them. While I greatly appreciate the plan of eternal salvation was given regarding accepting Christ and believing in Him, it did not thoroughly explain confessing one’s sins.

~ Want ~
If you like a historical Christian romance about two individuals having to deal with their pasts as they look toward their future together, this one that includes mystery and intrigue may interest some.

Thanks to Bethany House and Interviews & Reviews for this complimentary book. I am under no obligation to give a positive review.

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