Arizona Agriculture: Bee’s Amazing Adventure

Arizona Agriculture: Bee's Amazing AdventureTitle: Arizona Agriculture: Bee’s Amazing Adventure
Authors: Bonnie Apperson Jacobs and Terri Mainwaring
Publisher: Little Five Star
ISBN: 978-1-58985-267-9

“We’ll z-z-z-ip across the state together, learning about Arizona agriculture. We’ll even meet up with some members of my bee family!” Pee Wee Bee explains in the beginning of Bonnie Apperson Jacobs and Terri Mainwaring’s children’s book, Arizona Agriculture: Bee’s Amazing Adventure.

This forty-page oversized paperback targets children ages six to ten-years-old that are interested in agriculture, especially if it involves the state of Arizona. With no scary scenes, it would best be read out loud to beginner readers based on some complicated wording. After dedications and acknowledgments to the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension along with the Maricopa County Farm Bureau, the story about a bee and agriculture ends with a glossary, curriculum guide, authors’ biographies, information about the cooperative partners and publisher, and an order form.

With a little honeybee the narrator of this book, the story flies the reader past honeycomb-shaped photographs and sidebars about agriculture in Arizona. With the bee portrayed on each page, farmers and ranchers are discussed, showing many important facts about the southwestern state.

Having most of America’s winter lettuce grown there, other specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Depictions of pistachios, pecans, melons, chile peppers, and citrus fruits are shown along with hay, cotton, eggs, dairy products, and cattle to name a few.

As Pee Wee Bee adds comments that are funny or educational, it lightly mentions pollination, with only two pages that discuss pollen, beeswax, and products bees produce. Every few pages have a “What’s the Buzz?” column about quick facts related to the page’s topic.

Although this book does not explain much about bees in how they build their hives, select a queen, collect pollen, and make honey, its primary focus is the agriculture in Arizona. The extensive curriculum guide in the back aids teachers, librarians, and parents in reading out loud and tips to engage listeners.

With its plethora of information, this book that is more educational than a typical story would make a good resource for a child writing a report on the agriculture in Arizona. Both children and adults will learn something new about a state that is known for its cacti, deserts, and heat.

Author Jacobs has been a teacher, media specialist, and school principal for forty-one years. Author Mainwaring has experience being a teacher as well as a school and district-level administrator.

Thanks to Bookpleasures and the publicist for furnishing this complimentary book in exchange for a review based on the reader’s honest opinions.

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