If You Were Me and Lived In … Renaissance Italy

If You Were Me and Lived in...Renaissance Italy (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time ) (Volume 2)Title: If You Were Me and Lived In … Renaissance Italy
Author: Carole P. Roman
Illustrator: Silvia Brunetti
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1-523234271

“If you were me and lived in Renaissance (Ren-ai-san-ce) Italy, you would have been born over five hundred years ago around the year 1483, somewhere outside of Florence, Italy, in a region called Tuscany (Tus-ca-nee),”  Carole P. Roman writes in her children’s book, If You Were Me and Lived In … Renaissance Italy.

~ What ~
Part of  An Introduction to Civilizations throughout Time series, this fifty-six-page paperback targets elementary to middle school-aged children and readers who like learning about historical eras. With no profanity, scary scenes, or violence, it would best be read to beginner readers based on some complicated words. Colorful illustrations cover the pages with a nicely sized font wording, usually against a solid orange background. At the ending, three pages are dedicated to the art of the period; three pages cover a dozen famous people, followed by a six-page glossary that also includes pronunciation for each word.

In this book dedicated to Italy in the Renaissance era, the history, religion, culture, clothing, and activities are explained. Readers can learn what their names would be, employment, town and home environment, food choices, necessary attire, monetary values, education, hobbies, and important people and what they accomplished.

~ Why ~
Not written as a fictional story, this educational and detailed account is a way for children to learn about another period in history and how it changed the world. As an adult, I appreciated the information on the rich Medicis family, the multi-level palazzo design, eating macaroni and rabbit stew with two-pronged forks, men dressed in doublets and caps with women wearing petticoats and make-up, and the artists of well-known paintings and sculptures.

~ Why Not ~
While the book contains long paragraphs and three- to four-syllable words, it would have to be read out loud to new readers. Some may think its contents may be too advanced for young children, but the pictures are understandable and engaging.

~ Who ~
Award-winning author, Roman has written several series for children of books based on countries, eras, and the pirate genre. She lives in New York with her husband and close to her children and grandchildren. Illustrator Brunetti was born and lives in Rome, Italy, where she studied comic and illustrations for children.

~ Wish ~
I wish more creative books like this one were available that promoted historical events to be used as educational tools for teaching children.

~ Want ~
If you are looking for a new series that covers a gambit of historical places and people, this one will inspire and educate your children about the way a life during the iconic Renaissance in Italy.

Thanks to the author for this complimentary book to read and review.

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